Home Page


Welcome to the home of the garou.Welcome to the home of the wolfen.Welcome..to the home of IAN

Ahh..i see you made it.Good.Allow me to have the honour of showing you around.This is the home of the garou.The werewolves.Us for that matter.This site is for all of Gaia to view.It holds information of those i deem family,friends or ally.It is about interests they have participated in that i have not for some reason or another.Bah... enough of this talk!Go out and experience the website for what is it and tell me what more it can be.But remember this,taint this site and i will gut you where you stand.

From time to time,i will update this site for things which holds interests to anyone.Check back once a moon or more.The time of the full moon or the Ahroun's moon is as good a time as i can recommend. Drop me a line..

Wecome to the Wolves den.The wolfen's Domain and the website of..IAN

Greetings and welcome to my homepage.My name's Ian and i'll be your virtual guide for today.This homepage was made for people into anything and everything.If your anything and everything pertains to porn ,it ain't here!!If it is about comics,books and other stuff that could and would capture my interests,take up a seat,get comfortable and sit back.Now,we begin.

No Really...what is this about?

Well,i set up this site as it says in big bold letters as a sort of a portfolio for potential clients and employers. From time to time i'll be updating this with concept art for my animation projects, stills from the projects i have done and am in the process of doing and also personal sketches.I'm an animator, visualiser, storyboard and conceptual artist all rolled into one but albeit one that is just starting.

So,i hope you enjoy going through this portfolio site as much as i have making it.

This is who am.This is what i am.This is also you.Garou.

How do you go about my site you ask?Carefully i'll say.But seriously,look for what you want and double click it with that tiny contraption which the humans refer to as a "mouse".
