Animation page "Cherish"


Portfolio Pieces (Animation concept Art)

The animation concept art

Greetings and salutations,

In this corner of my webpage, i am allowing viwers to see the concpet ar that i have done or is being done for my animations.Please note that they are only the concept characters and not the real animations themselves.Should you want to view these animations, please feel free to email me and i am sure we can come to an agreement on the viewing of my works.


Main character for "Cherish"

This is the character i did for my animation cherish and i wanted to find the definitive look for him in my piece.As you can see i did the character and rendered it with markers. 

Main character concept 2

In this part,i did somemore sketches for the character.His different ways of walking and his attitude.I tried to make him as believable a character one would see in and out of an animation. Just an average joe of sorts.

His buds..the friends

What would a person be without friends?More so in animation.I did a few different approaches to it by playing with the different shapes of faces and heads.The inspiration of it was from a toy series called,"Crazy Children" from Micheal Lau.

The teacher

For any piece,there is ALWAYS an arch-enemy.The yin to anyone's yang.In my piece, it came in the form of a teacher i drew. The teacher was inspired from american high school teacher's from movies and comic strips. To name one is Calvin and Hobbes.

Da Boy

This is the main character from the animation "Cherish"..i finally wittled him to something which was simple and fun to draw.Strangely,everyone seems to say its actually me i animation form.

The Friend-Da Big guy with the heart of gold

Da Big Guy was actually based on one of my real life friends..i really liked this character for some odd reason and end up doodling him for some reason.In american movies,he's the odd big guy who isn't a jock and tends to hang around with the little geeky dude.

The Cast

This was the character sheet i did for my animation to help in how each looked against each other. Their heights and even mannerism are all there.This was inked with a marker and using a marker to color them. The paper was just simple tracing paper.

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The other friend..

This was one of my unused characters for the animation.I ended up using someone else in the animation.

Fun Frame!!

Okay..this fun frame has nothing to do with the animation which i did whatsoever. The reason for the animation was that i liked to think of my characters as being in an american high school and i just wanted to see how it would be if i did model a real high school for the animation,how it would have looked and whether my character would have fir in.Overall,i thought it was pretty okay but don't ask me about the coloring for the guy,thats a totally different story.